Event Three

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Nulla eleifend posuere sem, at condimentum turpis fringilla sit amet. Nunc convallis turpis eu mi vulputate tincidunt. Etiam non varius erat, eget tincidunt est. Maecenas eleifend euismod ligula, sit amet posuere sem porta vel. Nulla ac malesuada quam. Aliquam dictum arcu ac enim congue, eu dictum ligula facilisis. Praesent mi ipsum, luctus ac tristique ut, rhoncus ut purus. Sed luctus suscipit orci sed blandit. Cras non vehicula mi. Pellentesque ut justo ullamcorper purus finibus placerat eu in lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla id ullamcorper quam, vel hendrerit leo.

Duis purus purus, lobortis sed turpis in, placerat mattis magna. In condimentum sed mauris in fringilla. Nullam fermentum erat eget mi facilisis, eget dictum tellus aliquet. Suspendisse cursus sit amet nisl quis tempus. Nullam auctor, leo vel vehicula sagittis, leo nunc iaculis augue, at tempus ligula erat at sapien. Etiam ante augue, dapibus ut aliquam eu, volutpat vel felis. Etiam fringilla efficitur dolor sed pulvinar. Nunc posuere elit turpis, a egestas metus pharetra in. Etiam semper finibus pretium. Mauris mollis cursus neque, at convallis lorem vestibulum at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus at nunc orci. Etiam sed rhoncus enim. Quisque eu cursus ante, fringilla pellentesque leo.

Nulla in quam placerat, molestie ante at, varius magna. Integer vestibulum magna et mi pellentesque, quis finibus massa pulvinar. Sed sodales posuere erat at tempus. Cras pharetra faucibus iaculis. Morbi ac mauris ut neque maximus mattis. Praesent egestas turpis non enim rutrum eleifend. Nulla dignissim euismod pretium. Phasellus ut pulvinar erat. Morbi ullamcorper, nisl vitae elementum accumsan, lacus augue sagittis massa, a dapibus enim ipsum lacinia leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse a nisi enim. Fusce id ligula condimentum nisl posuere dictum. Praesent et dolor eget justo iaculis cursus non semper tellus.

Xiamen Stone Fair 2019

This year, the Graniti Tecnica team branched out, attending the Xiamen Stone Fair 2019 for the first time. This was truly a fantastic decision as this fair did not disappoint. This year, there were 2000 exhibitors from 57 various countries. This gave us the opportunity to reach out to like-minded individuals and get a feel for what was happening in the global natural stone market. Read on below now to take a look at our highlights of the Xiamen Stone Fair 2018.

Highlights Of The Xiamen Stone Fair 2019

World Stone Congress 2019

This year, over 40 educational seminars were held as a part of the World Stone Congress 2019. This branched out into five factions of the natural stone industry. Namely;

  • Global Master Architects Forum
  • Stone Design Forum
  • Sessions for Industrial Promotion
  • Stone Educational Sessions
  • Launch out @XSF

Global Purchasing Groups

This year, purchasing groups from an estimated 30 countries frequented the stone fair. This gave us the opportunity to meet with the global buyers and form valuable new business connections.

Stone Infinite

The Stone Infinite exhibit is somewhat of an art show, in which stone designers from around the world show their works. This was a truly beautiful experience and we were grateful to see it.

Launch Out @XSF

The Launch Out @XSF project was aimed at introducing visitors to the newest designs and products emerging within the natural stone industry. This gave us the opportunity to see what emerging products were available and which – if any – we would have a use for.

Xiamen Stone Fair 2020

The Xiamen Stone Fair 2020 is set to be held in March once more. based on the great response we received this year, we look forward to exhibiting in 2020. Be sure to check the Xiamen exhibitors list closer to the time to see where to find the Graniti Tecnica team!

Marmomac 2018

The Graniti Tecnica team took part in the Marmomac 2018 exhibition over the period of the 26th to the 29th of September. This was definitely one for the books. Year after year, the Marmomac never ceases to amaze, and this leg was no different. We had the opportunity to brush shoulders with some of the industry’s finest, as well as exchange information with hundreds of new potential clients. However, there were a few things that truly stuck in our minds. Read on below now to see the highlights of the Marmomac 2018 exhibition.

Highlights Of The Marmomac 2018 Exhibition

Visitor Turn Out

The numbers were immense. Marmomac 2018 saw an estimated 68,000 visitors from around the globe. To be specific, visitors from 150 different countries were documented to attend. This gave us the opportunity to reach out to tens of thousands of fresh faces.

Exhibitors Turn Out

The exhibitor list was no different from the visitors. Marmomac 2018 saw a total of 1616 various exhibitors. This allowed us to forge connections we previously hadn’t had. Furthermore, we were able to see new innovations in machinery and the like emerging.

The Italian Stone Theatre Marmomac 2018

The Italian Stone Theatre is always a highlight of the Marmomac Exhibition. Bringing together raw natural stone with innovative designs, the pieces truly are a work of art. Exhibited in a hall of water, with nothing but a lone, tiled walkway through the centre of the room, the entire experience was somewhat ethereal.

Marmomac 2018

Marmomac 2019

The Graniti Tecnica team cannot wait to be involved with the Marmomac 2019, which will once again take place in September. Each year we look forward to displaying our offerings, and this year will be no different. This year we will be situated in hall 6, stand B8. We are positioned right in the heart of it all and look forward to what’s in store this year. Be sure to visit our stand in the next few months. See you there.
